Wednesday, January 20, 2010

poem a day/8

bake and break bread
together in Janu, damn you
cold winter weather
yet you turn this skin stronger
and the heart beat harder
for longer sun days
this heart prays in beats

daily streets are lessons
walk and fall and get up by choice
the sidewalk doesnt end it swerves
and serves a didactic learning curve
if yr ears bend humble, and yr eyes stumble
channels of hope bubble
through veins blue to useful
and yr heart starts to recreate
a thought to not berate the cold
feel the gold as eyes say hello

as you go through the day
into the night
treat yrself kind and rewind memories
while casting a refined light
through your tenacity

how does the present moment sound
echoes of gratitude
ripple belief to attitude
now and here
pray in beats
break bread and feast

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