Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Write to live, Live to be free, Write to be free

i second "writing is life"

life giving for mind-breathing,
giving the capacity to respire
to recreate, to relate, to corroborate
and put all the feet, fate, sleet, slate into

open the windows for fresh air
let the breath up from the platinum gut
bend branches, blow bubbles of thoughts
to fumble and float down with the likes of Dylan
(Lorde, Blake, Rumi, and Whitman)

"writing is life"

editing, scratching, dropping and picking back up
a relationship, neglecting, apologizing, growing up about guilt
maturing and understanding that without words
life is unheard of
deaf, a sense dead

"writing is life"
it "is a secret medicine
given to those who hurt so hard they can't hope.
The hopers would feel slighted if they knew".*

"writing is life", writing wills to
Break from dishonesty, live responsibly
open the book, step and continue
writing which works along a continuum
open the book, step and continue
living which works along a continuum

Work, because it is
daily input, like push ups, strength training
mind preparing, body releasing
organ and will power engaging

Write for you
Write to muck
Write to heal
Write, write, write

"writing is life"
writing as right to express
carry out constitutional democracy
Dig up old words, slam concrete ideas
let the broken fragments be unearthed bones
To which one day, look and make live

Resurrection is recreation
Life recreates in split second eye blinks
In seeds carried by birds beaks
in sand spread from shore to mouths that speak:

Writing is life, writing is life, writing as life
As gonging mantras for being
Om gratitude
in the writing lotus:
hearts knell
arms kneel, hands pray
with pen and time and space of day
Carving, puncturing
the once impregnable surface of doubt
With hope, with word

Write to live, live to be free
Write to be free

Writing is life

*by Rumi "My Worst Habit"