Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Kayfe al-hal?

In recent blogger news, RL Gorley's bad dilatory blogging sets record for having the least entries in March!

Perhaps a unique way of starting and nudging a mindful apology...
an explanation would be a chimney smoking with excuses

So, what have I been doing? How am I?
Yea, I'm cool. Things are floating and flowing right along. I realize more and more that having a plan for this summer and making certain decisions is important. "America Details" as I refer to it. But, according to my nature, I'm just not going to think about that right now and save it for later. Since, I have been saving writing on this web blog page for way to wog dog long.

Over Spring Break I traveled to Istanbul Turkey. Here's how I remember and am able to share it with you: Islam, beautiful mosques, calls to prayer, cold grayish weather, positive energy in group, handmade rugs and carpets from the hands of women in deep Turkey, wanting to go to Ephesus and Cappadochia, liking the hostel (Antique Hostel) and having fun with the staff, being invited to a late night dinner and learning about what serving for the Turkish army was like, meeting SWEET people/travelers- one female who taught in Seoul, Korea for three years (had just left), a cool Aussie couple traveling the world, ...great water pipe in Istanbul, fantastic baklava and apple tea, food in general was tasty... I studied Arabic every day, did some writing, realized a few new things about myself (vague but I mean I cannot spill everything at once!)... good trip, was welcomed back to a warm sunny Madrid.

A short week followed due to a Spanish Catholic holiday on Thursday (March 19). Oh yea, and it was my birthday. I didn't really feel like telling anyone or making a deal about it, but of course, I wanted people to magically and specially honor my day of fresh 21 passage or something... kind of. It was cool. My roommates got me a lovely flower plant which brings me joy as it sits on my desk - for now, alive. No it's cool, it will keep living. I've got a green thumb. And a sweet treat and a card and of course, the birthday song. So, definitely smiling on my birthday. BUT, if you are reading this and you're not a random person flipping thru blogspot bloggers, but like, I know you- trust me, I missed you, I still do. But I prefer using the word, remember, so I remember you. And eso es. This is the case. Friends and family know. They just know. A certain degree of honor, respect, love, feeling, comfort, understanding, flexibility and acceptance... I am reminded of how precious you are, you friend, you family member. Please know I smile with loving appreciation for you. That's not to say people here aren't cool or aren't nice or aren't capable of loving- it is just different, like a not yet clicked-in seat belt. Hm.

And then Wednesday night rolled around the bend and my roommates and I headed with our backpacks and temp belongings to Barcelona! Beautiful, artistic, big, musical, less cosmopolitan, bicycle friendly, extraordinary parks and museum filled Barcelona! Wow, I did my darndest to walk all over the city. Some highlights: Mount Juic, the view from (what seemed to be the highest point possible- wow, alot of trekking that day) ...view from the castle... walking over/by the myriad boats and having the water in sight, Picasso museum, walking by the Miro museum and the National Art Museum of Catalunya, Placa Espania, understanding the lay out of the city, for metro, bikers, walkers, rollerbladers, cars and autobuses! City planning! Reminded me of a public policy class I took freshman year... and filled me with hope to be part of restructuring, designing, working with people and needs of and within a city for more sustainable, healthy, viable options for traveling, moving about...

And usually one mentions in these updates all the rosy, shiny stuff. Well here comes the opposite... the bus ride was 8 hours there, 8 hours back. And the night before, ehh didn't exactly sleep. So, I find myself here, Tuesday, one week as a 21 yr old and dipping under my covers at 6pm hoping a nap will meet my body's desire to sleep, to rest up! SLU Madrid (university I go to here) had 2 rounds of midterms and finals. plus papers, projects peppered in there... so, I'm a busy bee these days. Which is okay once I get started on things. Poco a poco. You know how it is.

For now, know that I'm joy filled and just being myself. Open and growing and loving you always.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE YOU BECCA G! Love you always :). Living traveling vicariously through you right now. I can't wait to see you again and experience your presence :)
